Exercise Videos


Bow Pose/ Dhanurasana

0 min read

16 Oct 2018



This pose helps to burn belly fat, to tone and stretch the entire front of the body, ankles, abdomen, thighs, chest and throat, spine, improves the functioning of the digestive organs and strengthens the leg muscles, especially thighs. Let's look at the steps: Lie flat on the stomach with the legs a little apart and chin on the floor This is the starting position.


Step 1

Now, bend the knees, and grab hold of your ankles by bending your legs towards the hips

Step 2

Your heels must be close to the hips

Step 3

Inhale, tense the leg muscles and lift the heels up and away from the body Arch the back, and pull the thighs, chest and head upwards, so your body looks like the bow

Step 4

Keep the arms straight

Step 5

In the final position the abdomen supports the entire body on the floor

Step 6

Hold the pose for 5 breaths

Step 7

Exhale, slowly release the pose, relax the leg muscles, lower the legs, chest and chin to the starting position

Step 8

Precautions: People with a weak heart, high blood pressure, hernia, colitis, peptic or duodenal ulcers recent back injury or pain, shoulder injury shouldn't practice this pose

Step 9

It shouldn't be practiced until at least 3-4 hours after a meal and before sleep as it stimulates the adrenal glands and the sympathetic nervous system.

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