Exercise Videos


Anjaneya-asana – The Salutation Pose

0 min read

20 Jun 2022



Anjaneyasana makes the gluteus muscles and the quadriceps stronger. Let's look at how it's done: 1. Sit comfortably in the vajra-asana (thunderbolt pose). 2. Then come up on your knees until your back, buttocks and thighs are aligned.


Step 1

Extend your left foot forward bending your left knee at about a 90 degree angle

Step 2

Place the palms together in the anjali-mudra

Step 3

Raise your arms straight up keeping the palms together while bending the head backward and looking up

Step 4

Slowly bend backward stretching the arms backward and straightening out the right leg

Step 5

Hold this position for as long as comfortable while breathing gently Then slowly come to the starting position, and repeat this movement on the other side Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions

Step 6

And that's how you do Anjaneya-asana Precautions: avoid this pose if you have High B.P., shoulder, knee or hip injury.

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