

Shiwali S Pathania





621 People Coached

5 (67 Reviews)



Sports Nutrition

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INFS Expert

Nutrition and Lifestyle During Pregnancy

Infant Formula Feeding

Micronutrients in Pregnancy and Lactation

Complementary Feeding in Pregnancy


Diploma in Nutrition and fitness

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Raksha malpani
15 Dec 2023

Shiwali has been a great coach mentor throughout my journey .. I was associated with her for more than a year.started my journey from 76kgs and when I was around 70kgs I conceived. She was my guiding light all throughout my pregnancy. She designed my diet as per my taste and body needs during those crucial periods. She was always there to clarify my doubts and shared her experiences as well to make my journey smoother . I am happy that due to proper nutrition and exercise I had a healthy pregnancy and have a happy baby now 😊. Thanks Shiwali for all your support.

28 Nov 2023

Hats off to Coach Shiwali for being the driving force behind my fitness transformation. Your dedication, encouragement, and personalized touch have made this journey not just about workouts and diet but about embracing a healthier lifestyle. Feeling stronger and happier – thanks to you!

supreet narula
28 Oct 2023

Your body can do it, it’s time to convince your mind! And once you have convinced that mind, it’s always been better when done together! This was a journey which me and my husband set ourselves upon 10 months ago under the able guidance of our beloved mentor Shiwali Pathania. Owing to our sedentary lifestyle choices fitness and exercise had taken a backseat when it came to prioritizing family & work commitments over your own health and wellbeing. This eventually had started taking a heavy toll on our minds and bodies. Fatigue, gastric issues, high-stress levels, lack of motivation self-esteem issues had become an integral part of lives. It was high time, and we desperately needed a lifestyle reboot to overhaul our unhealthy regime. It was then when I got Shiwali’s reference from a friend, who herself was a mentee under Shiwali and had showcased an amazing transformation. So, me and my husband set off on this journey along with Shiwali with a with a belief in mind that come what may, we will stive our level best to be the best versions of ourselves! Quantification of food was novel to husband, lifting weight was new to me but slowly and steadily we snowballed to our final goals. As a couple we exercise in the evenings together and strived to be the best support systems and biggest motivators for each other. Shiwali always said that – “Physical fitness and a healthy diet are long-term fixes and can’t be radically changed overnight. Start slowly and stay consistent”. So, I guess it is - “consistency” that we would take as the biggest learning lesson from our mentor Shiwali. I feel that FITTR is one such programme which encourages you and not pushes you to break the boundaries you set for yourself! Although we have posted 'before' and 'after' pics today there is still a lot that is to be achieved to embark ourselves on this journey to a healthier self. Thanks once gain Shiwali for being such an amazing mentor. Keep on impacting the lives of many others like us. Kudos to you!! And the journey continues ……

02 Oct 2023

My coach helped me sail through all the challenges and here I am a bit lighter and happy with what I have achieved within these 12 weeks. thank you so much shiwali for your guidance and motivation.
