

Dr Arpit Agarwal





1002 People Coached

5 (86 Reviews)


Sports Nutrition

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Nishant Kumar
21 Mar 2024

Even though we were into weight training from last 5-6 years and keeping our food habits in control. There is a time when you need an expert because there is still much to learn. This is when we enrolled with Arpit. He broke some more of our myths, in a cool and composed manner he clarified all our queries and with new home workouts and nutrition plan - I lost around 8 kgs and my partner 5 kgs to be in our ideal state in just 3 months. Now for the next session our motive is to learn further and include healthy habits in our daily routine. Best part of Arpit is that he tries to introduce all vitamins via fruits and vegetables which again adds up to our healthy habits. One other good thing is that he asked the right questions to figure out what mistakes we were making in the meals and also suggested effective way to correct it. With Arpit you are sure to develop good lifestyle along with your weight goals.

Ravinder pal singh
15 Mar 2024

Dr. Arpit is an exceptional fitness coach who goes above and beyond to help his clients achieve their health goals. His expertise, dedication, and personalized approach made every workout rewarding and enjoyable. Dr. Arpit not only provides expert guidance on exercise routines but also offers invaluable advice on nutrition and lifestyle habits, ensuring holistic wellness. His passion for fitness is truly inspiring, motivating clients to push their limits and strive for greatness. Dr. Arpit's holistic approach to fitness extends beyond physical training, as he helped me achieve normal blood pressure and improved mental health. Through tailored exercise programs and dietary guidance, he empowers me to manage my blood pressure effectively, promoting cardiovascular health and overall well-being. I highly recommend Dr. Arpit to anyone looking to transform their health and fitness journey into a success story.

Mariam S
12 Jan 2024

After years of trying to lose weight with everything available online, at the gym, memberships, weight loss programs, diet claims, all proved futile and unsustainable until now. Dr Arpit’s stance in my life has been life changing. He has not only helped me lose weight but actually ensured I kept it off! Dr Arpits approach is simple! Stay active and eat right! The most beautiful recipe for a sustainable life long health-style. Everything I have learned with him has become part of my routine now. It’s not something I am waiting on a set date to revert to my old ways. I not only enjoy eating nutritious foods but I look forward to making healthy meals and am super conscious of what I put in my body. This has even translated to my children, I ensure they are active, also get the right amount of macros and priorities protein. It has truly been beneficial for my entire family. Helping us to create and live a healthy lifestyle is something I will forever be grateful to Dr Arpit. He’s been super patient and caring. Will always check up on me and if I’ve ever need changes, he’s always provided he’s expertise but allowed me to make the final decision. His unwavering support, constant push and motivation makes you feel like you always have a buddy pushing you forward. For me, Arpit has been that buddy, that I can go to with any health/fitness/diet question and he’ll not hesitate to educate. Finally, a coach that is available is a coach that cares for your progress. I don’t remember any day of the week where he has not responded to me, he literally is just a message away- 7 days a week! Thank you so much Arpit for being a guiding force of discipline and commitment in my life, I am super excited to continue this journey with you.

06 Nov 2023

I had a wonderful fitness journey with Dr. Arpit. He has always been patient and considerate in understanding my needs and challenges through out. He was very meticulous in tracking daily progress to ensure I stay on track. He made sure to listen actively and address my concerns. Thanks to your guidance, Dr. Arpit. Keep up the excellent work.
